
JavaScript Workshop - 初心者講座

2017-12-06(水)19:00 - 21:30 JST

Impact HUB Tokyo









Important: If you already know the basics of JS, maybe this workshop is not for you. Read the program below, and if you feel you know all these notions, you can just leave your seat for someone who really needs it :)

JavaScript is very popular, and has been used by all web browsers for more than 15 years - every web developer must code some JS during his career. In addition to that, lots of cool JS frameworks were built recently, like React.js from Facebook.

For this workshop we'll have the pleasure to welcome Francisco Presencia, one of our bootcamp's lead teachers and JavaScript wizard, to guide you through.



1) History and background
2) Variables & Types
3) Conditions
4) Loops
5) Functions
6) Objects
7) DOM
8) jQuery


• This is a workshop for JS beginners
• Bring your laptop!
• Install Sublime Text

About the teachers

Francisco is a software developer from Spain currently based in Tokyo. He studied Industrial Engineering in Spain and Tokyo University but found his passion on programming 8 years ago. He has done all kinds of personal and professional projects since then, winning a NASA award among others in the way. Lately, he's also been teaching front-end and JavaScript at Le Wagon Tokyo. Check out his projects and history on Francisco's Website.

Ritz is an arts curator and developer from California. She has lived and worked in the US, Europe and Asia, and produces exhibitions and arts events. She became interested in programming as a way to expand the possibilities for online display of artwork. She currently works on a variety of websites and projects in Tokyo. See Ritz's website.

About Le Wagon Tokyo

Le Wagon Tokyo is a coding school for startups, creative people and tech entrepreneurs. Our 9-week Full-Stack Coding Bootcamp is designed for complete beginners or "half-beginners" who really want to dive into programming and, above all, change their mindset. Learn to think like a developer, consider issues with new insight, and become more autonomous thanks to these newly acquired abilities.

Our third Tokyo batch is over! Relive the Demo Day action with the video. You can already apply for our January 2018 batch.


Le Wagon Tokyo - コーディングブートキャンプ

Le Wagon Tokyo - コーディングブートキャンプ

Le Wagon Tokyoは学生を含めクリエイティブな方や起業を考えている方に最適なプログラミングスクールです。 私たちの9週間の集中型プログラムは、初心者からある程度プログラミングの知識がある方を含めた幅広いスキルのレベルの生徒が集まります。 デベロッパーの様に考え、新しい発想から問題解決に繋げられる様なマインドセットを学びませんか? 私たちはこれまで自分のアイディアを自らコーディング...
