
Introduction to Golang - Online Workshop

2022-06-09(木)19:00 - 20:30 JST
オンライン リンクは参加者だけに表示されます。







Take a deep dive into the Go Programming language. Why was Go created, and by who? How has it become such a popular choice in DevOps and Backend development?

After exploring the theory of Go, you get hands-on creating two projects. A command line tool to fetch data from a remote API and a JSON web service. Both with a fun twist.

For this hands-on workshop, we are excited to welcome Sam Hennessy, Go Technical Lead at abbeal.


  • Basic coding experience, for example, in Ruby or Javascript.
  • A laptop
  • Go 1.13+ installed:

macOS: Use homebrew
Windows: Official installer from
Linux: Your favourite package manager

🚀 About the speaker 🚀

Sam Hennessy started working as a software developer in 2002, switching over to using Go for all his projects in 2015. He's worked at start-ups, agencies, and Fortune 500s.
His passion for sharing knowledge leads him to write blogs, books, and present at user groups and conferences. Sam also works as an instructor, teaching Go and other topics. Sam's favorite thing is being at home, watching a good film, with his family.

🚀 About abbeal 🚀

abbeal is a community of 150 software engineering enthusiasts spread out across our branches in Japan, France (Paris, Lyon, Lille, Bordeaux) and Canada (Montreal, Toronto)!
Since 2015, we have assisted all kinds of companies (startups, scale-ups & large corporations) throughout the conception, production, delivery and maintenance of their products and applications throughout the Web, Mobile and DevOps skills of our team.
We are driven by 3 precious values and goals: Sharing ; Expertise ; Persistence Links :

🚀About Le Wagon Tokyo 🚀

Le Wagon Tokyo ( is a top ranked coding school for startups, creative people and tech entrepreneurs.
Our Web Development and Data Science bootcamps are designed for individuals who want to change their career, become freelancer, or launch their own venture!

Our next bootcamps will start:

🏃‍♀️ July 4th for our 9-week full-time Web Development and Data Science programs
🚶‍♂️ Sep 24th for our 24-week part-time Web Development and Data Science programs

Applications are already open!
Checkout enrollment details, curriculum, Career Week support and more 👉


Le Wagon Tokyo - コーディングブートキャンプ

Le Wagon Tokyo - コーディングブートキャンプ

Le Wagon Tokyoは学生を含めクリエイティブな方や起業を考えている方に最適なプログラミングスクールです。 私たちの9週間の集中型プログラムは、初心者からある程度プログラミングの知識がある方を含めた幅広いスキルのレベルの生徒が集まります。 デベロッパーの様に考え、新しい発想から問題解決に繋げられる様なマインドセットを学びませんか? 私たちはこれまで自分のアイディアを自らコーディング...
