
Build your first Chrome extension - Workshop

2020-03-04(水)19:00 - 21:30 JST

Impact HUB Tokyo

2-11-3 Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo-to 153-0063








Whether it is to pick a color from a web page, manage your passwords or remove all political posts from Facebook, Chrome extensions make your browsing experience smoother and add useful features to your favorite browser.

In this workshop, we'll cover all the basics of how to create your own extension using two simple examples: a font-picking extension and a reading list manager.


• Set up your Chrome Extension in Chrome dev tool
• Recap about the DOM and how to interact with it using JavaScript
• First extension: Creating script to interact with your page
• Recap on how APIs work
• Second extension: Creating script to send data to an API
• Bonus: add your extension to Chrome store!


• Bring your laptop!
• This is a workshop for half-beginners, basic notions of HTML/CSS, JS, JSON, and the DOM will be useful
• Install Chrome ( and any text editor (Sublime Text, Atom, VSC)
• Create a GitHub account (

About Le Wagon Tokyo

Le Wagon Tokyo ( is a coding school for startups, creative people and tech entrepreneurs. Our 9-week full-time and 24-week part-time Full-Stack Coding Bootcamps are designed for complete beginners or "half-beginners" who really want to dive into programming and, above all, change their mindset. Learn to think like a developer, consider issues with new insight, and become more autonomous thanks to these newly acquired abilities.

The next Tokyo batch will start on April 6th and applications are open. ( Still considering whether to apply or not? Try our free online track! (

Our part-time bootcamp is now open! Next session starts March 21st:


Le Wagon Tokyo - コーディングブートキャンプ

Le Wagon Tokyo - コーディングブートキャンプ

Le Wagon Tokyoは学生を含めクリエイティブな方や起業を考えている方に最適なプログラミングスクールです。 私たちの9週間の集中型プログラムは、初心者からある程度プログラミングの知識がある方を含めた幅広いスキルのレベルの生徒が集まります。 デベロッパーの様に考え、新しい発想から問題解決に繋げられる様なマインドセットを学びませんか? 私たちはこれまで自分のアイディアを自らコーディング...
