
JavaScript basics: Build your first game - Workshop

2020-02-13(木)19:00 - 21:30 JST

Impact HUB Tokyo

2-11-3 Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0063






IMPORTANT: Make sure you follow the setup instructions below before joining the workshop.

We're happy to welcome back Florian for the 4th edition of our popular retro gaming workshop!

Are you interested in how computer graphics or video games work, but always thought that it must be overly complicated? Or you were scared by the plethora of frameworks and didn't know where to start?

Join us for a special introduction on game development, and code a simple retro game in only 2 hours!

We will use a very simple "retro" style of framework, show you how to turn a serious text-mode computer into a fun interactive experience, move stuff on the screen over a playfield according to the keybaord input, and how to replicate some classic graphical effects.

During this workshop, we will be:
- Giving a quick introduction on retro games
- Making a little game together: showing a playfield, and a controllable character over it
- Explaining the basics of collision, movement and gravity
- Making it more interesting with simple animation


  • Basic JavaScript notions
  • GitHub account (to be able to fork a boilerplate)
  • Git & Node.js installed on your computer

About Le Wagon Tokyo

Le Wagon Tokyo is a coding school for startups, creative people and tech entrepreneurs. Our 9-week full-time and 24-week part-time Full-Stack Coding Bootcamps are designed for complete beginners or "half-beginners" who really want to dive into programming and, above all, change their mindset. Learn to think like a developer, consider issues with new insight, and become more autonomous thanks to these newly acquired abilities.

The next Tokyo batch will start on April 6th and applications are open. Still considering whether to apply or not? Try our free online track! (

Our part-time bootcamp is now open! Next session starts March 21st:

Setup On Windows

1) If you don't have node, you can install easily through scoop ( Run powershell (start menu, type powershell, enter) and run the following:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -scope CurrentUser
iwr -useb | iex

2) Then you can run from the same terminal:

scoop install nvm
nvm install 8
nvm use 8.16.2

3) You may also need Git for Windows:

Setup On Mac

1) You may need to install homebrew ( Open a terminal and type:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

2) After that you can install node:

brew install nvm
nvm install 8


Le Wagon Tokyo - コーディングブートキャンプ

Le Wagon Tokyo - コーディングブートキャンプ

Le Wagon Tokyoは学生を含めクリエイティブな方や起業を考えている方に最適なプログラミングスクールです。 私たちの9週間の集中型プログラムは、初心者からある程度プログラミングの知識がある方を含めた幅広いスキルのレベルの生徒が集まります。 デベロッパーの様に考え、新しい発想から問題解決に繋げられる様なマインドセットを学びませんか? 私たちはこれまで自分のアイディアを自らコーディング...
